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Delivering effective instruction

Read the except and discover seven important elements of effective instruction for students with reading difficulties. Topics discussed in this excerpt are as follows: explicit instruction, targeted instruction, time on task, quick pacing of lessons, positive feedback, corrective feedback, and student motivation. Read More

Difference Between Targeted and Universal Supports

In this excerpt from the introductory chapter of The Teacher's Pocket Guide for Positive Behavior Supports, the authors explain what targted supports are and how they differ from universal supports. This engaging pocketguide is a must-have for both aspiring and veteran teachers. Read More

Differentiate Instruction with First/Then Boards

A First/Then Board is a mini-schedule that is portable and can be used to provide more choices to a student or to reinforce simple instructions. Check out this excerpt from Paula Kluth and Sheila Danaher's From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks to find out how to create your own! Read More

Differentiate Instruction with Purposeful Puzzles

This chapter explains how to implement purposeful puzzles, a helpful Differentiated Instruction support for students who might fidget a lot during class or need to be “doing something” when they are listening or participating in a classroom discussion. Read More

Early intervention and AAC

Read the excerpt and learn about the importance of early intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorders. This excerpt illustrates situations in which AACs should be used, as well as common misconceptions about ASDs and AAC. Read More

Enhancing student connectedness to school

Read the excerpt and discover practical strategies that school staff can use to increase student connectedness. The strategies are presented in relation to a multi-tiered framework, with Tier 1 strategies used for all students, Tier 2 strategies used to assist students at risk who are showing early signs of disengagement, and Tier 3 strategies used for students who have already disengaged from school and have an enhanced likelihood of dropout. Read More

Expanding our thinking about high schools

Read the excerpt and learn how high schools can better prepare students with disabilities for college and careers. This excerpt also contains a unified framework for secondary transition services. Read More

Families in the 21st Century

This chapter explores the diverse structures of the modern American family. Discussion questions and a list of suggested web sites are provided. Read More