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First sound and last sound bingo

View the sample activity to help children gain practice in recognizing the first sound in words and in making sound–symbol correspondences. The activity includes the bingo demonstration page, leter chips, and suggested modifications to meet the needs of all students. Read More

First/then board

View the sample activity and discover how to create a first/then board. This excerpt includes a general discription of the activity, materials needed to create the board, and instructions for the board's assembly. Read More

Games to play in your inclusive class

The use of games can boost the participation and interest of students, help teachers make curriculum relevant and more comprehensible, and make abstract concepts concrete. Check out this excerpt for a descriptive list of games to play in your inclusive class! Read More


View the activity and learn how teachers can utilize classroom jobs to engage all students. Discover the five reasons why this works and see an example involving a fifth-grade teacher. Read More

Math communication board

View the sample activity and discover how to create a math communication board. This excerpt includes a general discription of the activity, materials needed to create the board, and instructions for the board's assembly. Read More

Numbers alive

View the sample activity and how to perform the mathematics activity, numbers alive. A description of the activity, as well as directions, and examples are included. Read More

Setting the table

See a sample activity that demonstrates how math instruction can be incorporated into the activity of setting the table. Let's Talk About Math is a program for children birth to 5 designed to weave counting and other math concepts into everyday activities. Read More