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Everyday Interventions for Young Children with Autism Webinar

Based on the presenters’ practical guidebook Autism Intervention Every Day!, this must-see coffee chat will discuss characteristics of autism in young children and offer tips on helping parents and caregivers target key skills during everyday life with their child. Register today for how-to guidance that will help you extend the benefits of intervention long after a home visit. Read More

Identify dyslexia using TILLS

Webinar participants will learn how to use an evidence-based assessment model and the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) to decide whether a school-age student’s (ages 6-18 yrs) TILLS profile is consistent with a diagnosis of dyslexia or is a better fit to other types of language/literacy disorder. Read More

How to get the most out of TILLS

This webinar focuses on using design features unique to TILLS that allow you to assess a student’s oral and written language using a scientifically sound quadrant model. Read More