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8 Ways to Help Young Children Develop Executive Function Skills

Supporting executive function skills in early childhood is an important part of a child's overall development. These tips and ideas, adapted from Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition, can help you to support the executive function skills of all young children. Read More

Overview and Getting Started with the Building Blocks Framework

The new edition of Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs includes access to seven comprehensive training modules designed to reinforce key topics in the book. View this presentation from Module 1 to get a better sense of how to use the Building Blocks framework. Read More

Introduction: How Your Garden Grows

Growing a garden is a lot like raising a child. Read how in this introductory chapter to The Common Sense Guide to Your Child's Special Needs, a guidebook for parents of children with development delays. The excerpt also provides an overview of the book, its goals, and an explanation of how it's organized. Read More

Differentiate Instruction with First/Then Boards

A First/Then Board is a mini-schedule that is portable and can be used to provide more choices to a student or to reinforce simple instructions. Check out this excerpt from Paula Kluth and Sheila Danaher's From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks to find out how to create your own! Read More

Bullying and the Silence of Others

Adapted from Recognize, Respond, Report: Preventing and Addressing Bullying of Students with Special Needs, this article is a call to action for school professionals to be more active in protecting students susceptible to bullying. Read More