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The significance of personal and organizational change

Read the excerpt and learn about the implications for personal and organizational change. This chapter highlights some of the positive and negative factors that affect practice changes early intervention programs and providers might be required to implement as advances in research, policy, and practice occur in the field of early intervention. Read More

The CSS+ Curriculum planning framework

Read the excerpt and gain an understanding of the major components of the CSS+ Curriculum framework and how these parts work together as a dynamic system to guide implementation of a high-quality early childhood education program. This excerpt also provides an introduction to a process for systematically building curriculum plans. Read More

Collaboration and teamwork with families and professionals

Read the excerpt and learn about issues related to the creation of collaborative relationships with families, team members, and other professionals. Topics covered include: the importance of family–professional collaboration, the family-centered approach and family systems theory, team models in early intervention, strategies for effective collaboration, and best practice highlights. Read More

Promoting self-determination and self-directed learning

Read the excerpt and discover the importance of promoting self-determination for individuals with severe disabilities. This excerpt also addresses supporting self-determination in inclusive education, supporting the ongoing relationship between self-determination and opportunity, and promoting self-determination among youth from culturally diverse backgrounds. Read More

TILLS Webinar Series

Learn how to get the most out of TILLS, how to screen for language/literacy disorders, and how to identify dyslexia using the assessment in this free webinar series. Read More