Structured Literacy Instruction for English Learners

How can educators and other professionals provide young English learners with explicit, systematic instruction on language and literacy fundamentals? Find out in this coffee chat with Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan, author of the book Literacy Foundations for English Learners. Read More

Teaching Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Classrooms Webinar

What are some best practices for educators working with dual language learners in early childhood settings? Find out in this coffee chat, presented by the authors of the new book Teaching Dual Language Learners. Experts Lisa López and Mariela Páez will introduce their book and talk about two of the topics it covers: 1) teachers’ beliefs and 2) practices that can promote the literacy development of bilingual children. Read More

5 Essential Titles For Your Structured Literacy Bookshelf

At Brookes, we collaborate with the experts on literacy resources that support evidence-based reading instruction. To aid in your fall curriculum planning, we’ve compiled brief snapshots of five of our most essential titles on science-based reading instruction. Read More

An Overview of Literacy Foundations for English Learners

View this slide deck for a comprehensive overview of Literacy Foundations for English Learners; A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Instruction. This slide deck outlines interior features of the book, describes the content and highlights online companion materials. Read More

BESA™ Brochure

Discover the Bilingual English–Spanish Assessment™ (BESA™), a valid and reliable assessment that specifically responds to the needs of young Spanish-English bilingual children ages 4 to 6. Read More