Meet framework goals & get kids ready for school!

The Head Start Early Learning Framework Outcomes is a great summary of the developmental building blocks critical to a child’s school readiness—including strong social-emotional development, which provides a solid foundation for school success.

As you use the Framework to guide your program, these ready-to-use free resources can help. Adapted or excerpted from our practical, research-based books, they’ll help you address social-emotional development and 4 other school readiness areas in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes. Use them, share them, and help ensure that every young child is ready to succeed in school.

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Free resources for key areas of school readiness

Social & Emotional Development

Stress-busting tips for early childhood classrooms

View the tip sheet and discover eight stress-busting tips that can be implemented in early childhood classroom. One example of a tip included is to "be sensitive to possible sensory…

5 Classroomwide Practices to Improve Behavior

Discover five simple practices you can implement in your early childhood classroom to improve child behavior. One example is to establish routines within your existing routines.

Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

Developmental Progression of Skills: Fine Motor Skills

Excerpted from Early Intervention Every Day!, this chapter presents milestones in the area of fine motor skills and ways for providers to coach caregivers to facilitate the skill’s development in…

Approaches to Learning

Activity: Play Time

Here's a helpful chart on which least-intrusive adaptations early childhood teams should make in certain situations so that young students can most benefit from play time.

QuickTips: Promoting Critical Thinking Skills in Young Learners

For this post, I want to share a helpful infographic with some great tips on supporting the development of preschoolers’ thinking skills—the foundation of their future academic success. Created with…

Language & Literacy: Literacy

PAth to Literacy sample lesson

View a sample lesson from PAth to Literacy, a literacy intervention focused on improving phonological awareness skills for preschool and kindergarten children.

8 Fun Things to Do With Babies

Download this tip sheet to help babies have fun and learn language skills simultaneously.

8 Fun Things to Do With Young Toddlers

Download this tip sheet to help young toddlers have fun and learn language skills simultaneously.

8 Fun Things to Do With Older Toddlers

Download this tip sheet to help older toddlers have fun and learn language skills simultaneously.

8 Fun Things to Do With Preschoolers

Download this tip sheet to help preschoolers have fun and learn language skills simultaneously.

Language & Literacy: Language & Communication

Observing Children Learning English (OCLE)

View the checklist and use it to keep track of the progress of young children learning English as a second language. Conveniently broken down into fifteen categories, this checklist will…

Tips for talking with toddlers

Opportunities to involve young kids in talk are all around you: a book, a favorite toy, a plane flying overhead, or even a routine chore can start great conversations that…

Cognition: Mathematics Development