Tool name
Self-Assessment and Program Review for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SAPR-PBIS™)
Use to evaluate
A self-assessment process for school leadership teams to evaluate their implementation of schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS)
Completed by
Professionals (administrators, school psychologists, behavior specialists, classroom teachers)
Time commitment
30 minutes for the Individual Form (completed independently); 60–90 minutes for the Team Meeting Form (completed over the course of a meeting); and about 5 minutes to score (during the team meeting)
Is your school implementing effective PBIS practices?
Use the SAPR-PBIS™ self-assessment to pinpoint what is working
Schools can evaluate for themselves how effective their positive behavior program is working with the Self-Assessment and Program Review for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SAPR-PBIS™).
SAPR-PBIS is the most efficient, comprehensive way to compare your current PBIS efforts with evidence-based practices and benchmarks. Six to 10 team members from your school fill out individual self-assessments, rating themselves on key building blocks of successful PBIS. Then your whole team comes together to discuss results, set clear goals for improvement, and assess progress.
SAPR-PBIS has been proven in pilot studies to improve students’ social outcomes and staff satisfaction.
10 practices that represent the building blocks of SWPBIS:
- policies and procedures
- prevention and screening
- staff development
- behavioral expectations
- response to discipline referrals
- academic and social supports provided
- functional behavior assessment as needed
- data collected and analyzed; families as partners
- comprehensive plans for intensive needs
What You'll Need

(Purchase both the Manual and the Tool for complete implementation of SAPR™-PBIS.)