Tool name

Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool, Research Edition

Use to evaluate

Program-wide positive behavior intervention and support (PW-PBIS) implementation at the universal tier

Age range

3–5 years

Completed by

An unbiased outside observer (i.e., behavior consultant, inclusion coordinator, school psychologist)

Time commitment

1–2 hours to evaluate the whole program, depending on program size. 15–30 minutes to score

Are your program’s PBIS efforts working?

Pinpoint which positive behavior interventions are effective with PreSET

Based on the widely used and highly regarded School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET), the Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool™ (PreSET™) assesses program-wide PBIS in all types of early childhood settings. Conducted twice a year by an unbiased outside observer—such as a behavior consultant, inclusion coordinator, or school psychologist—PreSET takes an accurate snapshot of a program’s PBIS through a review of program documents, classroom observations, and interviews with the administrator, teachers, and a few children from each classroom.


  • Assess universal features of effective PBIS across 8 key categories, including behavioral expectations, family involvement, and program support
  • Better support critical social-emotional skills children need for kindergarten
  • Measure progress toward goals and see at a glance how your program is progressing
  • Target quality improvement efforts and develop a plan to strengthen behavior interventions
  • Identify professional development needs for teachers


What You'll Need


Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool™ (PreSET™), Research Edition


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CD-ROM with all printable forms

Additional products and resources

Training and free webinars

Get training on Using PreSET to Assess Program-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support from Brookes on Location.

Get Training

Using the PreSET™ to measure, monitor, and achieve positive behavioral interventions and supports in early childhood settings Webinar

For early childhood programs, learn how to assess and improve your program-wide PBIS system through a review of documents, classroom observations, and interviews using the PreSET.

Read an in-depth Q&A with the developers about how programs can assess program-wide PBIS in early childhood settings.