Tool name
Use to evaluate
Classroom structure, curriculum, language environment, books and reading, and print and writing
Age range
Completed by
Researchers, supervisors, program directors, principals, administrators and/or teachers
Time commitment
Approximately 1–1½ hours
Are you doing all you can to boost your students’ reading outcomes?
Use ELLCO K–3 to assess your school’s literacy supports and practices
The Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) tool helps build better literacy programs by assessing the quality of the classroom environment and teachers’ practices. With ELLCO, educators gather the essential data needed for professional development and program improvement that lead to better literacy outcomes for young children.
ELLCO K–3 is designed specifically for early elementary settings, focusing on what research identifies as key components of reading, writing, and effective instruction.
ELLCO K–3 helps schools:
- establish a scientifically based reading program for students
- support the 5 main components of reading identified by the National Reading Panel: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension
- strengthen the quality of teaching practices in positive, supportive ways
What You'll Need

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