Tool name

Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation

Use to evaluate

Literacy practices in home-based child care settings


Age range

Birth through 5

Completed by

Early childhood administrators and program directors, trainers and coaches, and researchers

Time commitment

About 1½–2 hours to conduct a complete observation

What do child care providers need to create high-quality learning environments?

Derived from the bestselling, classroom-focused ELLCO, and shaped by extensive research on effective child care and literacy practices, the Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool (CHELLO) assesses the early literacy environment in home-based child care settings. Early childhood professionals use CHELLO to help providers of “family, friend, and neighbor” care improve their literacy supports and interactions with children.


  • Provides accurate profiles of materials and practices in home-based child care settings
  • Helps providers improve their literacy supports and their interactions with children
  • Identifies professional development needs
  • Allows for measurement of changes in the quality of environments over time


What You'll Need


Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation (CHELLO) Set


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