
Tool name

Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition

Use to evaluate

Social-emotional development

Age range

1–72 months

Completed by

Parents/caregivers complete questionnaires; early childhood and health care professionals score them

Time commitment

10–15 minutes to complete, 1-3 minutes to score

Are the children in your program at risk for social or emotional difficulties?

Identify behaviors of concern with the #1 social-emotional screener for young children.

Early identification of social-emotional problems is crucial to building a strong foundation to learning. With Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE-2), a highly reliable, parent-completed tool with a deep, exclusive focus on children’s social and emotional development, it’s easier than ever to screen important areas of social-emotional competence, pinpoint behaviors of concern, and identify any need for further assessment or ongoing monitoring.


Programs across the country rely on ASQ:SE-2 because it’s:

  • highly valid, reliable, and accurate
  • cost-effective
  • easy to score in just minutes
  • researched and tested with an unparalleled sample of diverse children
  • a great way to partner with parents and make the most of their expert knowledge


What You'll Need


ASQ®:SE-2 Starter Kit


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9 photocopiable paper masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets

CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires

User's Guide

Quick Start Guide

Additional products and resources

Other languages

Free downloads

ASQ:SE-2 24-month questionnaire

See a sample completed ASQ:SE-2 English 24-month questionnaire. ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires screen children 1–72 months for potential social-emotional concerns.

ASQ:SE-2 technical appendix

The ASQ:SE-2 technical appendix describes the research behind the revisions to the first edition of the questionnaires and the norming study.

7 behavioral areas screened by ASQ:SE-2

ASQ:SE-2 doesn’t have discrete areas with individual scores in the same way that ASQ-3 does, but there are actually seven behavioral areas covered by the questionnaires at every age interval.…

Training and free webinars


Get on-site from ASQ experts at a variety of levels—introductory, comprehensive, and training of trainers. Combination ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 trainings are also available.

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Attend a ASQ®-3 & ASQ®:SE-2 Training of Trainers Institute—a 3-day, in-depth, step-by-step seminar that gives you everything you need to know to instruct your colleagues in using the screening tools you trust.

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Watch a recorded webinar on strengthening social-emotional development through screening.

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Watch recorded webinars in our ASQ webinar series.

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