Tool name

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Second Edition (TPBA2), and Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention, Second Edition (TPBI2)

Use to evaluate

Development of young children in four key domains: sensorimotor, emotional and social, communication and language, and cognition

Age range

Birth to six years

Completed by

Early childhood educators and special educators, early interventionists, and therapists. Parents are closely involved as an integral part of the team

Time commitment

60–90 minutes for a complete TPBA2 play session

Play-based assessment & intervention

The Transdisciplinary Play-Based System is one of the most natural, easy-to-use assessment and intervention approaches for children birth to age 6. Trusted for more than 25 years, this popular, highly effective system helps you get accurate assessment results, develop customized play-based intervention plans, identify children’s service needs, and evaluate child progress.

At the heart of the system is a fun and naturalistic play session where children are relaxed and engaged. Focusing on what children can do instead of what they can’t, TPBA2 elicits more meaningful and accurate results than many traditional assessment strategies. Assessment data is easily linked to individualized, play-based intervention activities with TPBI2.


The TPBA2 and TPBI2 system:

  • is play-based and child-directed, so children are relaxed, engaged, and motivated
  • directly links assessment and intervention
  • aligns with DEC and NAEYC guidelines
  • keeps parents involved
  • focuses on what children can do instead of what they can’t
  • helps you determine a child’s eligibility for services


What You'll Need


TPBA/I2 3 Volume Set


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Administration Guide

Additional products and resources

Free downloads

View a sample Observation Summary Form

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Training and free webinars

Get training on Using TPBA2 to Assess Young Children Through Play.

Get training on Using TPBI2 to Develop Effective Play-Based Interventions for Young Children.

Use the Observing Kassandra DVD for a convenient, cost-effective way to practice skills in a simulated TPBA2 session and boost interrater reliability.

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment (TPBA) and Intervention (TPBI) for young children

For programs serving children from birth–6, learn how to use the popular Transdisciplinary Play-Based System to assess children in natural settings and choose customized interventions.