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3 Common Legal Mistakes When Teaching Kids with Special Needs

If you want to stay informed and avoid legal pitfalls, we recommend the new book Your Classroom Guide to Special Education Law by Beverley H. Johns, M.S. It’s a plain-English guide to the basics of special education law—no jargon, just reader-friendly explanations and lots of engaging features like quizzes, activities, and case stories. Read More

Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needs quiz

Can you teach students with complex medical conditions in inclusive classrooms? Including children with and without disabilities in the same class has proven benefits to everyone in the class, but what about students who require specialized equipment or care? What does it take to provide a safe and positive learning environment for everyone? Test your knowledge with this quiz, adapted from Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needs: Guidelines and Procedures for Schools, Third Edition. Read More

Tube feeding

Read the excerpt from Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needsto discover guidelines for care in regards to tube feeding. Essential for every school health office, Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needsis the ultimate guide to caring for and supporting children with special health care needs in educational settings. Read More

Toilet training

This chapter describes in detail how to toilet train your child with special needs. The importance of record keeping is discussed, and several sample record sheets are included. Read More