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Using feeling words

View the first sample lesson, Using Feeling Words, to introduce a variety of feeling words and increase students' emotional vocabularies. The second lesson, Identifying Happy Expressions, will help elementary school students with special needs identify faces showing happy expressions through common characteristics as well as differentiate between happy expressions and other facial expressions. Read More

3 Common Legal Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching Kids with Special Needs

Here are three common mistakes that special educators might make in regard to special education law, alongside suggested solutions. This list was excerpted and adapted from Your Classroom Guide to Special Education Law,an essential addition to every teacher's professional library—and an ideal supplementary text for teachers in training. Read More

Take our quiz: Who else benefits from peer support programs at your school?

Teachers are well aware of mandates calling on schools to improve outcomes and participation of all students, including students with disabilities. One approach teachers may not have contemplated that may actually make it easier to accomplish their goals is the use of peer support programs, which arrange for students to provide assistance to classmates with disabilities. Take our quiz and see what you might discover that you didn't know before about the benefits of peer support programs. Read More