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Empirical support for Pivotal Response Treatment

Learn about the empirical support for Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) in this report. PRT is an empirically supported treatment for autism recognized by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders and the National Standards Project. Read More

Playing with your child with ASD

Use these practical tips to make playtime with your child with ASD enjoyable for everyone. The tips were gathered from Let's Talk, a practical guide for parents of young children with autism. Read More

Kindergarten Transition Parent Interview—Preschool

Use the following excerpt from Successful Kindergarten Transitionas a guide to help families explore their experiences in the fall, winter, and spring of preschool. The intent is to engage the family member in a conversation about school, following up on themes that arise. Read More

Public Meltdowns and Self-Injury

Excerpted from Freedom from Meltdowns, this chapter discusses strategies for preventing or averting public meltdowns, as well as causes of the most enigmatic behavioral challenges associated with autism, self-injury, and their prevention and treatment Read More