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Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities: The Self-Employment Option

If you teach young adults with disabilities, you’re playing a vital role in preparing them for life beyond the classroom. You’re probably always on the lookout for ways you can boost their college and career readiness and get them ready to lead full, self-determined lives. Helping them explore employment options is a big part of that, and that’s what this post is all about. Read More

IDEA 40: Roundup & Interview with Paul and Jeff Brookes

Loyal Inclusion Lab readers know that this blog is brought to you by Brookes Publishing, a Baltimore-based publisher of resources on education, disability, and early childhood. Our company’s been blazing trails in inclusive education since 1978, just a few short years after the passage of IDEA (then called Public Law 94-142, or the Education of All Handicapped Children Act). Read More

Our 8 Favorite Online Resources for Inclusive Education

In an older post we brought you some inclusion advice for principals—we wanted to pay tribute to some of our favorite online inclusion resources. These bloggers and organizations are truly tireless inclusion advocates, and we’re proud to work side-by-side with them toward our common goals. Read More

7 Tips for Helping Students Avoid Overload

Adapted from Solving Executive Function Challenges by Lauren Kenworthy & colleagues, these tips are good ways to support kids with autism, though they can also apply to any student who is easily overstimulated and struggles with changes in routine. (You can find the tips in a shareable infographic right below the post!) Read More