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Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities: The Self-Employment Option

If you teach young adults with disabilities, you’re playing a vital role in preparing them for life beyond the classroom. You’re probably always on the lookout for ways you can boost their college and career readiness and get them ready to lead full, self-determined lives. Helping them explore employment options is a big part of that, and that’s what this post is all about. Read More

Inclusion Guest Blog: Renay Marquez of ParaEducate

I’m very pleased to welcome another special guest to the blog: Renay Marquez, co-founder of ParaEducate, which is one of our favorite resources for special education teachers, paraeducators, and advocates for people with disabilities. Read More

Preschool Inclusion: How It Helps, Where to Start

In the 40+ years since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed, how have early childhood programs in the U.S. progressed toward inclusion—and what should we do to promote more welcoming and inclusive classrooms in preschools across the country? Read More