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PICCOLO™ Seminar

PICCOLO™ Seminar

About the seminar


Lori A. Roggman, Ph.D.Mark S. Innocenti, Ph.D.Gina A. Cook, Ph.D.Vonda Jump Norman, Ph.D.Katie Christiansen, Ph.D.; & Sheila Anderson, Ph.D.

Seminar length

2-full days or 4-half-days

Number of participants

Maximum of 50

Seminar fee


What to speaker fees include? 

Using PICCOLO™ to Observe Developmental Parenting

Learn how to use the Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes™ (PICCOLO™), a checklist of 29 observable developmentally supportive parenting behaviors, to work more effectively with parents of young children.

Get tips for

  • increasing the success of the PICCOLO observations
  • helping families be comfortable
  • effectively video-taping observations
  • scoring PICCOLO
  • using observation results to build parents’ strengths and bolster positive parenting

Discover also how to use PICCOLO to improve services to families and to improve programs—and to document those results!

Interested in virtual training options? See training webinars offered by the speakers.

Who will benefit from this seminar?

Practitioners who work with parents of infants and young children, and the supervisors of those practitioners.


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PICCOLO™ Seminar

PICCOLO™ Seminar


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2– or 4–day seminar covering topics of your preference.

Recommended Materials

Seminar options

1-day Introduction and Overview Seminar

The 1-day PICCOLO seminar will describe the basic ideas of developmental parenting behaviors and a developmental parenting approach to working with parents, introduce the PICCOLO tool, and offer beginning practice observing and scoring with the tool with short (1-min and 5-min) video-recorded observations.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions throughout the day and also engage in a large-group discussion of questions about the tool and its use. The 1-day training prepares practitioners to use PICCOLO parenting observations in their work.

2-day Overview and Practice Seminar

The 2-day PICCOLO seminar includes the Introduction and Overview of the 1-day workshop and continues into a second day with more practice and reliability checking, using full-length (10-minute) observations, more extensive information about interpreting PICCOLO scores, and guided discussion about how to use the information from the tool to provide feedback to parents and plan home visiting activities.

Participants will role-play a home visit in which they explain PICCOLO, observe interaction, and provide feedback to a parent. A session is included for planning how to incorporate PICCOLO into current program activities.

The 2-day training typically results in most participants scoring PICCOLO reliably, but additional practice with the DVD is recommended after training to establish and maintain reliability with the developers.