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Placement characteristics

This chapter provides a brief summary of typical educational settings for students who are emotionally disturbed, necessary staffing parameters and skills, successful classroom characteristics, and appropriate program characteristics for effective ED placements. Read More

Positive home–school relations correlate

Read the excerpt and discover the importance of positive home–school relations. This excerpt also depicts strategies for administrators, principals, and teachers on creating effect home–school relations. Read More

Providing multiple means of engagement

Read the excerpt and learn why providing multiple means of engagement is essential for UDL. This except includes options for catching interest, sustaining effort and persistence, and self-regulation. Read More

Is Your School Inclusive? Checklist

Is your school taking all the appropriate measures to make sure every student is effectively included? See how your school measures up with this inclusion checklist. Find out what you're doing well and what areas still need improving. Read More

Giving support to students

Teachers can make a meaningful difference in times of grief by establishing a supportive connection with students. Learn several steps that teachers can take when a school is reacting to a death in the community. Read More

Language-focused learning activities

Read the excerpt from Academic Vocabulary for Middle School Students and view a sample language-focused learning activity. This activity explains and utilizes the Frayer Model to assist students in learning the spelling, grammatical, and morphological features of academic words in addition to their meanings. Read More