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Unpack your perceptions about diversity: Jamal

View this sample completed form from The Making Friends Program to help understand personal perceptions about people with disabilities. The field-tested, research-based Making Friends program is a toolbox of adaptable, practical strategies for encouraging acceptance of differences. Read More

Target goal

Read the excerpt and discover how to teach how to set priorities, identify distractors, and monitor progress. The skills in this chapter will help those with ASD make conscious choices about when to work toward a goal and when to just have fun. Read More

Teach self-determination across the age range

Read the excerpt and discover tips and activities for teaching self-determination skills to students of all ages and ability levels. Self-determination is the key building block for students to meaningfully identify their desired personalized educational outcomes. Read More

Use of technology in teaching

This chapter discusses the use of technology in teaching students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, OWL LD, and dyscalculia. The use of computers in content area instruction, as well as the use of computers for accommodation and explicit instruction, is covered. Read More


Read the excerpt and discover the benefits of using technology in daily lessons to address learner needs. This excerpt includes how to use webcasts as an instructional tool, how to support literacy instruction through technology, and what technology looks like in the co-taught classroom. Read More

Using effective practices to teach students with moderate and severe disabilities

Read the excerpt to learn basic components of systematic instruction; how to task analyze a chained task; and describe how it can be taught across three instructional formats: forward chaining, backward chaining, and total task presentation. Upon completion of this excerpt, readers will be able to provide examples of general and specific attentional cues and responses, and describe the rationale for delivering one over the other. Read More

Providing multiple means of engagement

Read the excerpt and learn why providing multiple means of engagement is essential for UDL. This except includes options for catching interest, sustaining effort and persistence, and self-regulation. Read More