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The Magnocellular Theory of Dyslexia

This excerpt examines the research supporting the belief that fundamental phonological reading problems in people with dyslexia may be due to mild, but pervasive, impaired development of magnocellular systems throughout the brain. Read More

The rest of the family

Read the excerpt and learn more about family issues that often arise when a child has an ASD. This chapter focuses on the impact a child with an ASD has on marital relationships, sibling relationships, grandparents and other extended family members, friendships, as well as strangers and aquaintances. Read More

Thinking spatially

Through instruction and experience with quantities, children become familiar with numbers and develop a reliable mental picture of how they relate to each other. Read the excerpt and explore how spatial insight affects one’s understanding of number and quantitative problem solving. Read More

Tube feeding

Read the excerpt from Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needsto discover guidelines for care in regards to tube feeding. Essential for every school health office, Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needsis the ultimate guide to caring for and supporting children with special health care needs in educational settings. Read More

Support for grieving children: what to do

Read the excerpt to better understand concrete steps schools and teachers can take that will help bereaved children. Included in the excerpt are six goals of intervention, suggestions for how to act, and examples of what to say to grieving children Read More