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MTSS: About the Videos

This flyer explains what each of the six MTSS videos are about and how they relate to the implementation of MTSS in the program. Read More

Introducing “You’re Going to Love this Kid!”

“Our job isn’t to figure out if a student should be participating. Our job is to figure out how they should participate.” In this video intro to Paula Kluth’s “You’re Going to Love this Kid!”, a wonderful resource on inclusive education, you'll get a sample teaching strategy called “getting it off the page” and discover a word processing support for students with autism called AlphaSmart. Read More

Introduction to The PRT Pocket Guide

What is Pivotal Response Treatment? What's the research behind it, what does it look like in practice, and what are some good examples of how to use it? Now one concise book gives professionals and parents all the basics of the widely used PRT. This introductory chapter explains the four primary reasons why empirical evidence is important when choosing which treatment approach to use. Read More

Introduction: How Your Garden Grows

Growing a garden is a lot like raising a child. Read how in this introductory chapter to The Common Sense Guide to Your Child's Special Needs, a guidebook for parents of children with development delays. The excerpt also provides an overview of the book, its goals, and an explanation of how it's organized. Read More

PRT: before and after

Watch the video clip and see a before-and-after of Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) in practice. PRT is an empirically supported treatment for autism recognized by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders and the National Standards Project. Read More