Social-emotional development: screening with ASQ:SE-2

Social-emotional development is important for young children because it’s a key to success in school, in social environments, and in environments both at home and away from home. It’s also really the best predictor we have of academic success. If we want children to develop at their utmost capacity, we need to find problems early and begin to give them the support they need. ASQ:SE-2 gives us the information we need to get started! Read More

Autism and ASQ

Can the ASQ be used as a screener for autism? That is a question the developers of ASQ get quite often. ASQ co-developer Jane Squires weighs in on the question. Read More

Screening with ASQ: Easy for providers, engaging for parents

Hear from early childhood professionals how the ASQ tools help them engage families, support development, and improve outcomes for young children. The parent-completed Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ) are the most used developmental and social-emotional screening tools for children birth to age 6. Read More

Using ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 together

It’s common knowledge that all children should be screened early and often in order to determine which kids are developing typically and which are at risk for delays. Get the full picture by adding a social-emotional tool, such as ASQ:SE-2, to your screening program. Read More

How you can bridge the word gap

Talking with your children is important! Trends in amount of talk, vocabulary growth, and style of interaction are established at a young age. Try these fun activities from the ASQ-3 Learning Activities with the children in your program or share them with parents. Read More