Appendix C: Vocabulary Size Test Version A

Read the excerpt and see a sample vocabulary size test and answer key from Academic Vocabulary for Middle School Students. This book provides practical answers educators need to determine which words students need to know to master the content in their textbooks. Read More

Implementing Peer Supports in the Classroom

This brief chapter excerpt from Peer Support Strategies for Improving All Students' Social Lives and Learning focuses on supporting students with and without disabilities as they work together within the context of peer support arrangements. Read More

Phonological humor activity 4

Here's a fun activity designed to build students’ phonological skills while incorporating humor. This sample exercise is from Sounds Like Fun, an activity book packed with jokes and riddles that increase students' awareness of the phonemes that make up words. Read More

Observing Children Learning English (OCLE)

View the checklist and use it to keep track of the progress of young children learning English as a second language. Conveniently broken down into fifteen categories, this checklist will help track different types of vocabulary, and whether the child undstands, repeats, and can use the vocabulary. Read More