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The role of technology for young children in the 21st century

Read the excerpt to discover how technologies can be a tool for learning in early childhood classrooms, barriers to technology use, how to move toward an understanding of instructional technology, types of readily available technology in a classroom setting, and outcomes of integrating technology. Read More

Cognitive & Receptive Language

Excerpted from Early Intervention Every Day! Embedding Activities in Daily Routines for Young Children and Their Families, this chapter contains milestones in the area of cognitive and receptive language skills. Read More

Conversation Starters About Outcomes

In this excerpt, providers get tips on how to discuss intervention decisions with the family. Also included is a sample script in which a provider and a parent discuss a specific desired outcome regarding meal time. Read More

Identifying Early Literacy Learning Needs

In this chapter excerpt, read about emergent literacy state standards, purposeful assessment of emergent literacy skills, and education implications like universal screening, instructional planning, and progress monitoring. Read More

Intervention to Equalize Early Experience

This final chapter of Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children explores the authors' conclusions from their groundbreaking word gap study and proposes strategies for leveling the playing field. Read More

Introduction to PTR-YC

Read the excerpt and learn the guiding beliefs and principles behind Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC). Discover the principles behind understanding challenging behvaior, the five step process of PTR-YC, and factors that promote the effectiveness of PTR-YC. Read More