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5 Key Principles for Preventing Challenging Behavior

Challenging behaviors that begin in preschool classrooms often continue through adulthood. To combat this, more early childhood programs are adopting preventative strategies for coping with challenging behavior. This article examines 5 principles—adapted from Early Social-Emotional Development—to keep in mind when developing a proactive approach to promoting social-emotional growth for all children. Read More

Supporting behavior in the inclusive class

Supporting positive student behavior can be a challenge for any teacher—and in an inclusive classroom, it can be especially difficult to manage students with so many different needs and ability levels in one room. Read More

Bully prevention in positive behavior support

Read the excerpt and learn about bully prevention in positive behavior support curriculum (BP-PBS). This excerpt includes desciptions of lesson sequences, supervision components, as well as the benefits of BP-PBS. Read More

PreSET at a glance

View the chart for a brief overview of PreSET. PreSET is a comprehensive early childhoos tool that helps programs find out how well their interventions are working—and what areas they need to work on to improve children's social-emotional skills and behavior. Read More