Using TPITOS ™ to Support the Use of Social-Emotional Teaching Practices in Infant and Toddler Classrooms



Assessment, Behavior, Classroom management, Coffee Chat, Professional development, Social-emotional development

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 Kathy Bigelow, Ph.D, Alana Griffin Schnitz, Ph.D., BCBA



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Using TPITOS ™ to Support the Use of Social-Emotional Teaching Practices in Infant and Toddler Classrooms

Presented by:  Kathy Bigelow, Ph.D, &  Alana Griffin Schnitz, Ph.D., BCBA

Age range: Infants & Toddlers
Who this chat is for: Early Childhood Coaches in infant–toddler center-based care

Join Kathy Bigelow, Ph.D., associate research professor, & Alana Griffin Schnitz, Ph.D., BCBA, assistant research professor, at Juniper Gardens Children’s Project in the Institute for Life Span Studies at the University of Kansas for an overview of the Teaching Pyramid Infant–Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS ™). Drs. Bigelow and Schnitz will discuss how TPITOS can be used to inform professional development and coaching to support teacher implementation of social-emotional learning practices in infant and toddler care settings.


  • TPITOS and how it is used in infant and toddler classrooms to assess teacher fidelity of implementation of practices for supporting social-emotional learning and development
  • TPITOS data tools for generating TPITOS graphs
  • How the TPITOS can be used to inform program professional development efforts
  • How the TPITOS can be used in coaching to support individual teacher practices
Watch the recording