The Basics of Systematic Instruction for Students With Moderate To Severe Disabilities



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Belva C. Collins, Ed.D.



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The Basics of Systematic Instruction for Students With Moderate To Severe Disabilities

Presented by: Belva C. Collins, Ed.D.

Age range: Preschool, upper elementary (3-5), middle school, high school, adults
Who this chat is for: Special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, related service delivery personnel

How can educators use systematic instruction to effectively teach students with moderate to severe disabilities in preK through high school and beyond? Find out in this presentation by Belva Collins, author of Systematic Instruction for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Second Edition. You’ll discover the basic principles of using evidence-based response prompting strategies, a type of instruction based on applied behavior analysis. Collins will discuss how this type of systematic instruction can be embedded in inclusive settings, as well as how functional skills can be embedded in core content.


  • Review the five specific types of response prompting strategies, each one considered to be evidence- or research-based
  • Learn how to embed response prompting strategies in ongoing instruction within inclusive settings
  • See how to teach core content in a way that is meaningful and relevant to students with extensive support needs
  • Discover ways to provide enough assistance to ensure that learners will experience success until they reach independence
  • Learn how to adapt the use of response prompting strategies to a virtual environment
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