Supporting High Quality Inclusion: The Project Approach



Coffee Chat, Inclusion, Student engagement, UDL

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Michaelene M. Ostrosky, Ph.D., & Sallee Beneke, Ph.D.



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Supporting High Quality Inclusion: The Project Approach

Presented by: Michaelene M. Ostrosky, Ph.D., & Sallee Beneke, Ph.D.

Age range: Preschool, Early Elementary
Who this chat is for: Classroom teachers and assistant teachers, speech and language pathologists, administrators

As classrooms and programs become more diverse, early childhood professionals are challenged to engage diverse learners and support the learning of all young children. A proven and popular teaching method, the Project Approach engages the natural curiosity of children through in-depth investigations of topics that capture their interest. Discover the potential of the Project Approach to provide a context that builds community and provides improved opportunities for teaching learning in inclusive ECE classrooms.


  • Understand the key events in the life of a project
  • Understand the differences between a project and a thematic unit
  • Realize the benefits of the Project Approach for children with disabilities and dual language learners
  • Compare the potential of their current curriculum to support high quality learning experiences for children who require adaptations and accommodations with the Project Approach
  • Discover a tool that will help them implement the Project Approach
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