Supporting the Grieving Student During the Pandemic Webinar



Coffee Chat, Mental health, School psychology, Trauma

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David Schonfeld & Marcia Quackenbush



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Supporting the Grieving Student During the Pandemic webinar

Supporting the Grieving Student During the Pandemic

Presented by David Schonfeld & Marcia Quackenbush, authors of The Grieving Student: A Teacher’s Guide

Even outside of the context of a pandemic, bereavement is common in lives of children — 9 out of 10 children experience the death of a close family or friend and 1 out of 20 the death of parent. This session will review practical suggestions for how to support grieving students and make helpful academic accommodations. During the pandemic, the isolation children experience as they grieve a personal loss can be greatly increased and the value of support that an educator may provide especially critical; the coverage of the deaths associated with the pandemic may increase children’s questions and concerns about loss. The session will also highlight free online video and print materials for educator professional development in this area as well as online resources for parents, developed by the Coalition to Support Grieving Students.

Watch the recording