Supporting Families to Resolve Challenging Behavior with Positive Behavior Support



Behavior, Coffee Chat, Family engagement, Parent activities & support, Positive behavior supports

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Karen Elfner, M.A., & Sarah Fefer, Ph.D., BCBA



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Supporting Families to Resolve Challenging Behavior with Positive Behavior Support

Presented by: Karen Elfner, M.A., & Sarah Fefer, Ph.D., BCBA

Age range: Preschoolers, early elementary (K-2), upper elementary (3-5), middle school, and high school
Who this chat is for:  Parents and other family members, BCBAs, behavior support personnel, therapists, early childhood educators, child care providers.

Despite the discouragement that often develops when faced with ongoing challenging behavior, parents CAN positively impact their children’s behavior. Understanding and implementing the positive behavior support (PBS) process is a key part of resolving these challenging behaviors and building the skills to prevent them in the future. After gathering information to establish a clear understanding of their child’s behavior, parents can create an effective plan to prevent, replace, and respond to behaviors.

Viewers will Learn:

  • The core principles of positive behavior support for families
  • A process of assessment to help families understand their children’s behavior
  • How to use that understanding to develop effective interventions with families
  • Tools to assist families in each step of the process
Watch the recording