How to score and interpret the Written Expression subtest on TILLS


Screening, Assessment and Curriculum



Assessment, Communication & language, Dyslexia, Implementation, Literacy & reading

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Nickola Nelson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-CL



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Competent writers can express the same content in many ways, using varied syntactic structures, and selecting and spelling words accurately. Students with language/literacy disorders may struggle with any of these elements but not necessarily all of them. The challenge is to capture such difficulties using standardized assessment and scoring techniques. This webinar will focus on the rationale and methods for counting content units, T-units, and error words in order to calculate the Discourse, Sentence, and Word scores on the TILLS Written Expression subtest. Guided practice is provided using examples from the TILLS kit, submitted by TILLS users, and audience questions. Tips for interpreting findings with regard to ratio scoring, an examinee’s development, and broader TILLS profile will be discussed.

View the webinar recording