Improve Student Behavior in 4 Steps: A Problem-Solving Process & Success Story



At-risk children & families, Behavior, Child development, Classroom management, Social-emotional development, Teacher interaction

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The Inclusion Lab



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Students are better off in class than they are in the principal’s office. No one would disagree with that statement, and yet office disciplinary referrals are still a common solution for resolving conflicts or correcting student behavior. Today we’ll look at another way to address ongoing social and behavioral problems in schools: a four-step problem-solving process that will help resolve issues and get students back in the classroom as quickly as possible, so they can focus on learning.

An ideal tool for any adult in educational settings—school counselors, educators, classroom aides—this effective problem-solving process is outlined in the new book Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, by Lee Kern, Michael George, & Mark Weist.

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