8 Anger Management Strategies for Your Students



Behavior, Child development, Inclusion, Social-emotional development, Student engagement, Teacher interaction

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Blog posts


"Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Ph.D., Laura L. Feuerborn, Ph.D., Barbara A. Gueldner, Ph.D., & Oanh K. Tran, Ph.D. Andrew Jonathan Cole, Psy.D., & Aaron M. Shupp, Psy.D."



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With school violence and bullying making headlines on a regular basis, teachers and parents need a toolbox of strategies to help children manage difficult emotions like anger before they escalate into problems. In this post, we bring you a few helpful tips you can share with your students to help them defuse, reduce, or redirect anger. Excerpted from the social-emotional learning curriculum Merrell’s Strong Kids, these strategies were developed for students in Grades 3–5, but can easily be used with older students, too.

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