Are you ready to support dual language learners?

45 Strategies That Support Young Dual Language LearnersThe number of dual language learners in early childhood classrooms is expanding every year—and teachers often feel underprepared to bridge language barriers and effectively meet students’ learning needs.

Do you have the knowledge you need to support children from diverse backgrounds and ensure their academic and social success?

Take our quiz to find out!

The quiz is adapted from the new book by Shauna Tominey and Elisabeth O’Bryon, which provides 45 strategies to expand your knowledge of best practices related to dual language learners and their families with an emphasis on culturally responsive practices.


Are you ready to support dual language learners?


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Learn more in 45 Strategies That Support Young Dual Language Learners.

Want tips you can put to work in your classroom right away? Read the blog post: 8 ways to show young children that diversity is a strength.

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