Tool name
Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale
Use to evaluate
Atypical self-regulatory behavior
Age range
11–71 months
Completed by
Parents and professionals; scored by professionals
Time commitment
5 minutes for the screener, 15 minutes for the assessment tool
Are children showing signs of temperament and self-regulation problems?
The TABS tool helps you spot early indicators and determine eligibility for services.
A child makes strange throat noises, doesn’t have a regular sleep schedule, flaps his hands over and over, or is consistently upset by changes in her schedule … how do you know when extremes of temperament or unusual behaviors are a sign of a possible developmental delay? The Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS) is a screening and assessment tool that aids professionals in detecting critical temperament and self-regulation issues that can indicate a child’s risk for future behavioral challenges or developmental delay.
The norm-referenced TABS:
- aids professionals in detecting critical temperament and self-regulation issues that can indicate a child’s risk for future behavioral challenges or developmental delay
- can be used for determining eligibility for early intervention and behavioral support services
- can be used in designing individualized family service plans (IFSPs) or individualized education programs (IEPs)
- can be used in developing wraparound mental health behavioral support plans
What You'll Need

Screener (50 forms on a gummed tablet)
Assessment Tool (package of 30 4-page forms)