Tool name
Pediatric Test of Brain Injury™ (PTBI™)
Use to evaluate
PTBI assesses the neurocognitive, language, and literacy abilities of children ages 6–16 recovering from brain injury
Age range
Children ages 6–16
Completed by
Speech-language pathologists or other clinicians
Time commitment
PTBI is easy to complete in just 30 minutes, so it won’t overburden children likely to be fatigued or have attention issues
Assess children’s skills after brain injury
Designed for use with children ages 6–16 recovering from brain injury, the Pediatric Test of Brain Injury™ (PTBI™) is the only criterion-referenced, standardized test that assesses the skills children need to return to school and function in the general education curriculum. PTBI is rigorously tested using cutting-edge item response theory (IRT) analysis, traditional test development methods, and field testing at trauma and rehab centers and clinics.
PTBI helps speech-language pathologists and other clinicians:
- determine children’s neurocognitive, language, and literacy abilities
- identify strengths and weaknesses
- target effective interventions
- make sound decisions about school reintegration
- monitor functional changes
- track recovery patterns over time
What You'll Need

Examiner's Manual
Stimulus Book
Test Forms