More than 5 million English learners attend U.S. public schools—and yet fewer than 3% of teachers are certified to work with them. Fill that gap in teacher education with this practical and comprehensive textbook, an evidence-based guide to providing English learners in Pre-K–Grade 6 with explicit, systematic instruction on language and literacy fundamentals.
Aligned with IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards, this book prepares future educators to teach English learners the key components of language and literacy, as first described in the Report of the National Literacy Panel for Language Minority Children and Youth. For each component, readers will get a dedicated chapter with research-based insights on how to teach English learners, guidance on making connections across languages when teaching that component, and ready-to-use principles and strategies for instruction. Learning objectives, study questions, and extended application activities help educators grow their knowledge and apply it in their classrooms.
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