We help families who need support & guidance

Starting with the hugely popular guide Steps to Independence, we publish some of the most respected and beloved books for families of children with disabilities. Thousands of parents rely on Brookes books like Turnbull & Turnbull’s Disability and the Family and Pueschel’s A Parent’s Guide to Down Syndrome. We… Read More

The CLI series: our first textbooks for SLPs

Led by Mark Fey and Alan Kamhi and featuring luminaries like Steven Warren and Joe Reichle, our CLI textbooks bring future SLPs state-of-the art research and guidance on communication and language intervention. Our SLP textbook offerings expand in the decades to come; key titles include Miller et al.’s Communication Development… Read More

Our textbooks get teachers ready to teach

In the last decade of the twentieth century, we set the stage for the future of inclusive education by launching some of our most enduring textbooks for teachers. Widely adopted texts include Orelove et al.’s Educating Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities, Wehman’s Life Beyond the Classroom, Downing… Read More

A new book series advances the AAC field

David Beukelman, a leader and preeminent thinker in the growing field of AAC, publishes a key Brookes textbook with Pat Mirenda: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. The book grows into a whole series of influential AAC texts that continue to move the field forward. Read More

Activity-based intervention changes the way we support young children

As the field of early intervention evolves, so does the belief that interventions should be real activities with relevance to children’s lives. Teaming with experts like Diane Bricker, Kristi Pretti-Frontczak, and JoAnn (JJ) Johnson, we publish new titles on activity-based intervention—weaving intervention efforts into the playtimes and routines of children… Read More

AEPS® targets real progress for children with disabilities

Diane Bricker & Jane Squires develop AEPS® in response to the federal call for curricula to improve the skills of children with disabilities. Much more than just a measurement tool, the innovative AEPS links assessment, intervention, and evaluation to ensure better outcomes for children from birth to six years. Read More

G. Reid Lyon and other experts change our understanding of learning disabilities

G. Reid Lyon’s influential Brookes books on learning disabilities are published—and become classics with a lasting effect on the field. Today, Brookes is still the proud publisher of cutting-edge textbooks on reaching and teaching students with learning disabilities, including Mather et al.’s Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors and Berninger &… Read More

Meaningful Differences identifies the word gap

In the landmark study published in their book Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children, Betty Hart & Todd Risley recorded parent-child spoken interactions in 42 families. They discovered that some children heard 30 million fewer words by their fourth birthdays than others—and that this “word… Read More