2022 Joint DEC & ISEI Conference

We are so excited to be back in-person at the Integrating Research and Practice in Early Childhood Intervention conference on September 27–30!

We hope you’ll stop by the Brookes exhibit booth to say hello! Check out our newest titles, including the brand new third edition of AEPS-3, and pick up a free totebag and other giveaways.

Not attending the conference? You can still take advantage of our conference special by using the promo code DEC2022 to save 10% on your next order!*

Enter to win an AEPS-3 Complete Kit!


Make sure to catch these sessions and posters on tools published by Brookes

AEPS-3 Sessions & Posters

Validating the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) in International Contexts
Jennifer Grisham, Lema Kabashi, and Margarita Cañadas
Wednesday, September 28  •  10:15–11:45 a.m.  •  4D, 4th floor

Content Validity of the AEPS-3 in Kosovo
Jennifer Grisham, Lema Kabashi, and Shegë Bahtiri
Wednesday, September 28  •  1:00–2:00 p.m.  •  4L, 4th floor

Translation and Adaptation of AEPS-3 in French for Quebec poster
Carmen Dionne
Wednesday, September 28  •  6:30 pm  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D

Transition Time! Using Early Childhood Readiness Assessment for Success poster
Juli Pool, Ching-I Chen, and Marisa Macy
Thursday, September 29  •  8:00 am  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D

Outcomes Resulting from the Implementation of a Tiered Curriculum Model
Rebecca Crawford and Jennifer Grisham
Friday, September 30  •  11:00 am–12:00 pm  •  4L, 4th floor


ASQ Sessions & Posters

Challenges on implementing a screening system with Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-PT) in Portugal poster
Rita Laranjeira and Ana Serrano
Wednesday, September 28  •  5:30 pm  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D

Online data collection in the COVID era poster
Jane Squires
Wednesday, September 28  •  5:30 pm  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D

Professionals and Families perspectives about the use of Ages & Stages Questionnaires Portugal poster
Ana Serrano and Rita Laranjeira
Thursday, September 29  •  8:00 am  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D

Putting Data to Work! Scaling-Up Early Screening to Improve Outcomes in EI
Jane Squires, Tamela Mannes, and Sondra Stegenga
Thursday, September 29  •  11:00 am–12:00 pm  •  4L, 4th floor


More Early Childhood Tools

Using the ICP for Quality Improvement
Amy Grattan and Elena Soukakou
Thursday September 29  •  11:00 am–12:00 pm  •  4Q, 4th floor

Applying the Inclusive Classroom Profile to Assess and Improve the Quality of Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs symposia
Elena Soukakou, organizer
Thursday September 29  •  1:00–2:30 pm  •  4M, 4th floor

Intervention with PICCOLO to Strengthen Parental Skills in Single-Parent Mothers in Vulnerable Situations in Spain poster
Magda Rivero, Rosa Vilaseca,  and Sylvia Daniela Lagos
Wednesday September 28  •  6:30 pm  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D

Using PICCOLO as a Coaching Tool in Spain and the USA symposia
Rosa Vilaseca, organizer
Thursday September 29  •  2:45–4:15 pm  •  Salon A2, lower level

Validating the Teaching Pyramid Infant–Toddler Observation Scale poster
Gospel Kim, Mallory Eddy, Alana Schnitz, Sarah Behrens, Dwight Irvin, and Kathryn Bigelow
Thursday September 29  •  8:00 am  •  Exhibit Hall Salon D


* Offer expires 11/15/2022. Not to be combined with any other discounts or offers. Consumer orders only. Excludes BOL training, pre-discounted bundles, ASQ Online, and AEPSinteractive™.