The Brookes Transition to Adulthood Series

Transition to Adulthood LogoThe Brookes Transition to Adulthood Series was developed for the purpose of meeting the critical educational needs of students with disabilities who will be moving from school to adulthood. It is designed to help professionals and families by translating evidence-based transition research into practice.

Each volume in the series addresses specific objectives that are related to the all important and overarching goal of helping students meet the demands of school and society and gain a greater understanding of themselves so they are equipped for success in the adult world.

Series Editors: Paul Wehman, Ph.D.

Board Members: Renee Cameto, Ph.D.; Teresa Grossi, Ph.D.; Barbara Guy; Debra Hart, M.Ed.; Peg Lamb, Ph.D.; Richard L. Rosenberg, Ph.D.; David Test, Ph.D.; Mike Wehmeyer, Ph.D.

View recordings of the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education (MCIE) webinar series on Preparing Students with Disabilities for College and Career! featuring authors from this series. Visit the MCIE webinar page to learn more.

Books In The Series