MILLIE – Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early Childhood

MILLIE - Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early ChildhoodGet young children on the road to reading readiness with the proven, research-based products in the MILLIE™ (Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early Childhood) family. Developed by experts at the Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood (CRTIEC), these Tier 2 and 3 intervention and progress monitoring products help you improve the language and literacy skills of children ages 4 to 6 at risk for reading challenges. Together, the MILLIE products give you highly engaging and effective new ways to address key elements of reading success—oral language skills, vocabulary, phonological awareness, and alphabet knowledge—and monitor your students’ comprehension skills. Add the MILLIE suite to your early childhood program’s literacy toolbox, and get all young children ready to read and succeed.

The MILLIE products…

  • Help catch kids up with their peers. MILLIE helps you provide additional literacy instruction to support young children with delays—without rearranging your whole class schedule.
  • Work with an MTSS/RTI framework. The MILLIE products support your application of a multitiered systems of support (MTSS), or response to intervention (RTI), framework. Using a multitiered framework helps you provide high-quality instruction to students with a range of needs and monitor their learning progress.
  • Are evidence-based. Unlike many curricula, MILLIE products are backed by solid evidence. Multiple studies have been conducted to that ensure intervention effects can be replicated in authentic classroom contexts.

Explore the MILLIE family

Story Friends™

Story Friends™

Story Friends Millie

Story Friends ClassroomAn Early Literacy Intervention for Improving Oral Language
By Howard Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Elizabeth Spencer Kelley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Use it with: Preschoolers and kindergartners at risk for later reading difficulties

Through 26 interactive storybooks about funny, relatable animals, Story Friends effectively boosts the early language skills that predict success in reading. The program encourages active response: each storybook provides up to 20 opportunities for interaction, as children answer vocabulary prompts and comprehension questions. Not only does Story Friends introduce children to challenging new words—from enormous to exhausted—it also helps kids master key concept words like highlowmany, and few, which will help them learn new academic content faster and easier. And through the lessons woven into the animals vibrantly illustrated stories, children strengthen other important skills, such as solving problems, empathizing, working together, and making friends with others who are different.

Learn more about Story Friends™

PAth to Literacy

PAth to Literacy 

PAth to Literacy Brookes

PAth to Literacy Teacher-GuideA Phonological Awareness Intervention for Young Children
By Howard Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Use it with: Children who struggle with phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge

Get kids on the PAth to Literacy with this highly effective Tier 2 intervention. Developed for children ages 4 to 6 who need help with key early literacy skills, this supplemental curriculum builds phonological awareness and alphabet skills through fun activities that keep children engaged as they learn. In just 10 to 15 minutes a day, young children will learn how to blend and segment words, identify first parts and sounds of words, learn letter names, and master letter–sound correspondence.

Learn more about PAth to Literacy

Assessment of Story Comprehension

Assessment of Story Comprehension

Cover image: Assessment of Story Comprehension

By Trina D. Spencer, Ph.D., BCBAHoward Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Use it with: Children 3 to 5 years old

With the Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC™), pre-K programs finally have a fast, easy way to measure the story comprehension of children ages 3–5, identify children who may need language intervention, monitor progress, and determine when comprehension has meaningfully improved. A quick check that takes just 3 minutes to complete, the ASC is the sensitive, reliable tool that programs need to test the comprehension skills of all young learners and pick up even small improvements as the school year progresses. The ASC can be used on its own as a fast, efficient check—or in tandem with Story Friends.

Learn More

Reading Ready (in development)

Reading Ready

Early Literacy Intervention
By: Ruth Kaminski, Ph.D.
Tier 3 intervention with intensive, individualized supports for improving alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness.